People with Diabetes are more likely to develop serious complaints because of Covid-19. The Laeq is an important method for both diabetes and Covid-19.

Geplaatst op 19 June 2020.

Researchers have found that some corona patients – who were previously healthy – develop diabetes-like symptoms after the viral infection

Now that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has been around for some time, we are getting a better and better picture of the long-term effects that the virus has on human health. For example, the Dutch Lung Fund has already warned that many former coronavirus patients have serious symptoms of COVID-19, ranging from extreme fatigue to shortness of breath and headaches. But that is by no means the only way in which the coronavirus can leave a lasting mark on our health, according to British researchers in the journal New England Journal of Medicine.


Earlier it appeared that people with diabetes have an increased risk of becoming seriously ill after infection by SARS-CoV-2. The mortality rate due to SARS-CoV-2 is also higher for diabetics: no less than 20 to 30 percent of the collapsed corona patients had diabetes. But that is apparently not the only connection that can be found between COVID-19 and diabetes. For there are cautious indications that COVID-19 can trigger the onset of diabetes.

Laeq and Diabetes an ideal combination to prevent diabetes complaints and strengthen your immune system

Time to take good care of yourself and the Laeq will help you with that. If you have type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic, the Laeq will help you improve your blood sugar levels and thus prevent the most common complaints that accompany long-term diabetes. Even if you already have to inject insulin, there are scientific studies that shows that you need less insulin. How beautiful is that!
The immune system protects us against infectious substances and/or changes in our own cells and the Laeq boosts your immune system. It attacks bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other harmful micro-organisms, so you don’t get sick. A weakened immune system can no longer combat pathogens efficiently enough, resulting in a greater risk of infection. As a result, diseases can occur sooner, or the immune system can even turn against its own body. This phenomenon is called autoimmune disease. An example of autoimmune diseases is diabetes mellitus. It is a chronic metabolic disease in which too little insulin can be produced or processed by the body. It is one of the most common diseases in the western world, with 1.2 million people suffering from diabetes in the Netherlands alone. When someone suffers from diabetes, a disturbance occurs in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Increased glucose levels can lead to various health problems.

By using red laser light of a specific frequency, Laeq Health is able to both strengthen the immune system and support metabolism. The technique; Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also called photobiomodulation (PBM), is a technique used to induce photobiological processes in cells.

Because it strengthens your immune system it is also a very interesting therapy to use in Covid-19 management. You can read more about this in our newsletter. More about Laeq & Diabetes? See here and here and here.

Users tell it themselves

In our references you’ll find users who tell how the Laeq lower their blood sugars, get fitter, get a stronger immune system and more.
Read the experiences of users of the Laeq here.

New research in the pipeline

Is photobiomodulation by red laser light new? No, by now there are 10,000 studies available on pubmed and it is booming worldwide. In the USA we are seeing a huge increase in spending on ‘photomedicine’. It is the most natural way of treatment without side effects. As we mentioned in our June newsletter, photobiomodulation is something that any individual could apply, Laeq is a lifestyle.
The Laeq device has been created with many scientific studies as a basis. In addition, this autumn we will start a clinical trial together with a high school and university to be able to demonstrate it once again. We keep you posted. It is about time that DVN Netherlands will continue the discussions with Laeq.


Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic? Do you have a weakened immune system or do you want to keep it active? Do you want to get fitter and give your body the impulse to process viruses or bacteria in a natural way? The laeq helps.

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