Healthier blood increases the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to the tissue, promoting better overall health

Geplaatst op 21 March 2018.

Medical Advisor Dr. H. Franke about the Laeq Health 3.0:

“Healthier blood increases the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to the tissue, promoting better overall health. A very large percentage of the red and white blood cells of the body can be treated in just 30 minutes. Many scientific studies are based on the Laeq method.
Nasal laser light therapy according to the Laeq method can be used twice a day, regardless of whether a disease is present or not. I heartily recommend a daily session.

The Laeq is good for everyone who wants to stay vital. But the experiences with #diabetes, people with a weakened #immune system, #migraine and #hoofache, chronic #colourness and #fibromyalgia are very positive “. Better blood levels, blood viscosity, a strong immune system, more energy and faster recovery is what research and users show “

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