Read Benito’s personal experiences with Laeq Health here

Geplaatst op 21 April 2022.

It all began with Covid

Two years ago, when Corona had just arrived in the country, Benito became very ill. For seven days, he had a high fever and pain from head to toe. He could not do anything anymore and a pneumonia was diagnosed in the hospital.

Meanwhile, two years had gone by and he still had serious complaints, from a golf player’s/tennis player’s arm, carpal tunnel syndrome, painful phalanges, not being able to make a fist, tingling fingers, numb fingertips and, especially at night, sleeping hands. The fatigue that he already had became even worse after having had corona for the second time.

Via Facebook he read and heard about the Laeq Health laser light and decided at the end of February 2022, in addition to treatments with a physiotherapist, to start using the Laeq Health nose clip at least once a day.

Fast recovery after the start with Laeq Health laser clip

One month later, he shares with us that his symptoms, according to his #Longcovid doctor, have already faded into the background. He feels much better and less (quickly) tired. His carpal tunnel syndrome is less, his tendons are less painful and he has more feeling in his fingers. His phalanges move better in his left little finger and ring finger. His golfing/tennis arm as before and the strength in his forearms is also returning. He had been working for more than a year to make his overburdened forearms function better.

Benito says he was surprised how quickly his complaints disappeared into the background after using the laser light nose clip. And he ended his experience with: “I am really doing better and it works!

Update April 2022

“I’ll get straight to the point! I haven’t felt as good as this in ages. The carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are getting less and less, I have feeling in all the fingers of my left hand again. Last night I slept through the night for the first time in at least six months and I didn’t wake up with my hands feeling like they were on fire and a left arm that just didn’t work for a while. I am really grateful that Leaq-health came my way. I really feel so much better. I haven’t taken any painkillers/inflammatories since I started using the nose clip. I am now at a point where physiotherapy is no longer an added value because I no longer experience a heavy burden in my arms and right shoulder. I’ll go on and on. I’ve just realised that my lower back moves better and I have less muscle pain after a day’s work. So yes! I dare to conclude that by using PPE I feel considerably better than before I started using the nose clip. From having real pain every day to being able to function without feeling pain every day. It really is a therapy which, if you stick to the daily session, has a noticeable positive effect after only two weeks. Until the next update! Benito Gomez”.

Benito, thank you for sharing your experiences. It’s very nice that we get more similar experiences from people who suffer from various complaints due to #longcovid.

Do you have any questions after reading this experience?  Please feel free to contact us at or call +3185-8008100.


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